Take part

22 January, 2021

Thanks for showing interest in joining us!.

With your support, rolling out Silva to the world will help every Silvaner and their children. Silva needs you! Below are a couple of ways where you can help.

Be a Silva Sponsor. Have your brand shown on emails, documents, webpages.

Supply resources and/or encourage workers to socially take part.


As a Silva Ambassador: Tell others about the cause, persuade them to help.

As a friend: Help with a monthly subscription

Be a Enterprise Member: If you are a company, register and join as a member.

As a Researcher: Tell us about the Silva ‘Diamonds’ which are still hidden. Feed us with facts about the Silva area, its history.

Be a proud Silvaner: Put the ASCII or HTML banner in your E-Mails so that others can follow up on it :-)

Like us: Like us on Facebook.

Help in projects: Find out hier where you can help.,

Generally help out: If you want to make an impact and bring your expertise into the Silva initiative, there is a list of areas here under ‘Jobs’.

Get in the loop

Register for updates via email.


If you have ideas that you want to discuss directly, just get in contact with us.


At the present time, there is no self-registration available. Please send us an email to service@silicon-vales.com so that we can pre-register you. Thanks.