
Join us and help shape Silva

22 January, 2021

Silva needs your support. Donate some of your time, be part of the team and help get Silva going.

Part or full time.

We offer learning on the job, remote working.


No remuneration can be offered at the present time (Jan 2021).

All jobs are for volunteers only.

So please do not waste your and our time in sending us any job applications.

So who is this for?

  • For people who have taken a couple of months off (sabbatical) and want to do something different.
  • For companies who are showing social responsibility and are allowing their workers to work on Silva.
  • For women/men who have been looking after their children and want to get back into a job.

1. Assets (Ax)

Looking after digital assets, domains, Product Data Management (PDM), patents, brandmarks.

Asset Supervisor

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Management of the assets, such as software, brand assets, specifications, processes, media, rights.

Topics: Naming, release managemnt, ERP, Config Management, Redmine.

Mission: That assets can be easily found and be tracked.

2. Builds (Bx)

Building of products and services.


Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Providing CI/CD processes for software apps, internal software, for operations.

Topics: CI/CD, deployment, Concourse, git. See also topics of System Admin.

Mission: Provide a self-service platform for continous deployment with autonomous operations.

3. Communities (Cx)

Looking after the communities.

Community Manager

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Build the online community.

Topics: Social media, engaging content creation, PR, onboarding of new partner, great customer service, online and offline conversation moderation (for a “people person”).

Mission: Build long lasting relationships with the community/partner.

4. Designs (Dx)

Design of the products themselves including how they look and are used.

Graphic Designer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Creation of media for the website, for print media, for congresses.

Topics: Graphics, SVG, image processing, learn on the job.

Mission: Bringing style to the Silicon Vales Initiative, to the website, tools, print media. Helping to create an exceptional digital experience for members.

Silicon Vales Product Development Manager

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Coordinate the development of the feature list and release plan with stakeholders.

Topics: State specifics, rules, coordinating activities, Silicon League.

Mission: Establish a 30 year Silicon Vales plan.

Style Guide Development Manager

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Coordinate the development of Common Style Guides.

Topics: Style guides, authoring, coordinating, publishing

Mission: Establish a portfolio of Silicon Vales Common Style Guides for the community, with online learning.

5. Enterprises (Ex)

Everything to do with the internal working of the enterprises.

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Help in the creation of the legal entities - for governance, service, - the rules, guidelines.

Topics: Law, associations.

Mission: Set up a construct which is fair, open,

Personal Assistant

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Supporting the core team in daily activities such as organisation of calls, travel, mail.

Topics: Tech savy, organisational talent.

Mission: Support the core team in doing there job.

6. Finances (Fx)

Accounting, reporting, dealing with banks.


Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Booking of financial transactions.

Topics: Accounting, reporting, sub-entities,transactions

Mission: Provide a financial health status framework for the Initiative.

7. Grid (Gx)

Silva wide grid of value added partners.

8. Humans (Hx)

Human Resources. Empowering the human factor.

HR Facilitator

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Setting up the operational framework for personnel management.

Topics: Guidelines, protection of minors, health and safety, job descriptions

Mission: Supporting the empowerment of individuals, building of teams and a cooperative environment

9. Incentives (Ix)

Incentives Manager

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Defintion of strategy and incentives for joined parties, for the VAP-Network.

Topics: Incentive systems, products.

Mission: Create a harmonized system of incentives for the Silicon Vales ecosystem.

10. Joined Parties (Jx)

Looking after partners, stakeholders, VIPs, ambassadors, friends.

Onboarding Coordinator

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Support partners (scientists, corporates, policy makers, etc.) during the onboarding process.

Topics: Empathy (a people person), connectivity, bringing people together, breaking down barriers.

Mission: Help partners to feel at home, to enable them to bring in their full potential, to maximise the synergy potential for all.

Research Assistant

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Doing data research on the internet, in libraries, about organisations, intellectual works, about people, Helping to create surveys, to build the resource and relationship managment databases.

Topics: Research, data collection, creation of surveys.

Mission: Empowering other operations with valuable data for decision making and community support.

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Engage and look after sponsors.

Topics: Contact, mailings

Mission: Build a network of sponsors, creating a viable win-win ecosystem.

Corporates Carer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Look after the top 1000 corporates.

Topics: Contact, integration, building of the relationship databases, mailings.

Mission: Integrate the corporates into the Silicon Vales Initiative and Alliance.

University Carer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Looking after the universities.

Topics: Contact, integration, building of the relationship databases, mailings

Mission: Integrating the universites, stakeholders into the Silicon Vales Initative, Alliance.

Publisher Carer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Look after publishers.

Topics: Contact, integration, building of the relationship databases, mailings.

Mission: Integrating the publishers, stakeholders, into the Silicon Vales Initiative.

Ambassador Carer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Define potential ambassadors. Look after the ambassadors.

Topics: Public figures, VIPs, from film, music, sport, politics, social networks.

Mission: Facilitate the creation of a ‘world wide’ pool of ambassadors that will further the Silicon Vales Initiative.

Publisher Liason Officer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Liason between publishers to build the Silicon Vales news/information ecosystem.

Topics: Rights, APIs, contracts, value added partner network, affiliation.

Mission: Build a win-win ecosystem so that publishers are willing to embrace the Silicon Vales Initiative.

11. Knowledge (Kx)

Creation of knowledge for the Initiative.

Web Miner

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Mining the web to collect information about the area and potential partners. Autoverifing data. Building APIs.

Topics: Data mining, webcrawling, data extraction, image processing, versioning, APIs, databases, python, go, statistics.

Mission: Deliver data as a foundational asset for the building of Initiative operations.

Web Developer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Connecting internal and external data silos, providing interfaces.

Topics: APIs, Go, Python, Bash, web mining, data conversion, mySQL, Postgres

Mission: Provide a self-service platform for data connectivity.

12. Logistics (Lx)

Purchasing, logistics, warehousing,

13. Markets (Mx)

Serving the markets, marketing, PR.

PR Assistant

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Helping to spread the word via newsletters, mailing, social media, ads.

Topics: Social media, content creation, newsletters, mailing groups.

Mission: Spread the word of the Silicon Vales Initiative. Keeping the world up-to-date.

Campaign Manager

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Define and deploy campaigns to various enduser groups in Silva, Germany, Euope and across the world.

Topics: Influencers, press, investment fonds, KPIs, automation.

Mission: Build a movement for change.

14. Network (Nx)

15. Orchestration (Ox)

Project management, operations.

Project Management Office Assistant

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Helping to create project plans, reports, tracking of tasks.

Topics: Tech savy, empathy, exactness.

Mission: Support the building of tracking processes, creating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

16. Products (Px)

Product management.

Product Manager

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Define and look after the life cycle of products (including services), portfolios, coordinating activities with stakeholders. Establish a self-service PLM framework for the Initiative.

Topics: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), books, portal services, teaching products.

Mission: Faciliate the building and management of a harmonized products ecosystem for the Initiative.

17. Quality (Qx)

Quality assurance.

Test assistant

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Help test routines, services before going live.

Topics: Useability testing, reporting, scrum

Mission: To create excellent digital experiences and products.

18. Resources (Rx)

Resources supplying services for the Initiative.

System Admin

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Building the virtual hub for operations with tools for CRM, ERP, Community, the PartnerHub.

Topics: git, LXD, CI/CD, Redmine, Flectra, SuiteCRM, Terraform, Concourse, Consul, Vault, MySQL, Postgres, SecDevOps, Drupal, Virtualmin, Hugo, Hugos, Go, Python, GitLab, Unix/Debian/Ubuntu, LDAP.

Mission: Providing secure, self-healing, high availabilty IT services.

Web Developer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Build websites, community platform,

Topics: Hugo, Drupal, CSS

Mission: Build self-service info platforms for the Initiative.

19. Services (Sx)

Services to end users including partners.

Service Manager

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Define and coordinate services across the enterprises within and external to the Initiative.

Topics: Portals, APIs, the user experience, surveys, enduser, automation, tests, quality assurance, KPIs.

Mission: Ensure an excellent user experience.

20. Teach (Tx)

Training, teaching, educational tools, media.
Materials to be available online are info about Silva in several languages, internal working policies, but also policies in the field.

Standards Development Coordinator

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Coordinate the establishment of standard Silicon Vales learning materials for pupils and teachers.

Topics: coordination of work groups.

Mission: Establish standards materials.

Knowledge & Teaching Tools Developer

Vacancy type: Volunteer

Description: Create learning experiences for the Initiative members and other user groups.

Topics: Self-learning tools, LMS, Opigno

Mission: Create easy to use self-learning aids to help disseminate information concerning Silicon Vales, services, policies, etc.

21. User experience (Ux)

Enabling best users experiences across all fields.