
28 February, 2021

A list of some of the projects which we want to launch. Some of them are bigger topics which we call ‘initiatives’. In time they will be broken down into smaller projects.

Some already have their own separate overview pages further down on this page.

If you are interested in being a lead for a project, working in one of the teams, or you can give valuable input, please send us an email.

There are also interesting sponsoring chances, as each project will also have its own sponsors.

1. Products for end users

1.1 Book - “Silicon Vales. Everything you wanted to know”


A compendium with background information about Silicon Vales.

2. Silicon Vales Plan

2.1 Long Term Roadmap


Define a long term roadmap.

3. Educational materials

3.1 Schools Information Pack


Information pack for teachers and children.

4. Community and admin services

4.1 Community support


Development of resources and services to support the community i.e. for:

  • Affiliates
  • Ambasssadors
  • Corporate partners
  • Friends
  • Investors
  • National and State policy makers
  • Publishers
  • Sponsors
  • Teachers and educational organisations

4.2 Services for Administration


Development of resources and services to support the admin including:

  • Acccounting
  • CRM
  • ERP
  • User management
  • Team spaces

5. Standards

5.1 APIs


Coordination of the News APIs.