Lux Init

Putting Luxury on the map

Von Ian Williams | 8 March, 2021

1. Outline

1.1. About

The ValuSector LUXURY is focused on the awareness of ‘bling’ or luxury services and products within and from Silva.

It can be represented as a ValueLine Silva°Lux.

This matta is to initiate Silva°Lux and the needed services.

1.2. Source

Person name: Ian Williams

Organisation name:

Date in: 2021-01-20

1.3 Seconded

Person name:

Organisation name:


1.4 Status

Lifecycle: fragma

2. Sponsors

Sponsoring this Matta

3. Organisation

3.1 Tags


3.2 Up- and downlines

Upline mattas:

Downline mattas:

3.3 Taskas


3.4 References

ValueLines: Silva°Lux

ValuSectors: LUXURY

3.5 Other docs

Associated documents

3.5 Working parties

Legal parent/lead:

4. Rationale

The reason - as points - behind this matta

The Market:

  • ‘Bling’ and ‘luxury’ are important components in attracting talent, finance, wealthy people, increasing tourism.
  • The market is increasing

The SilvaRing:

  • Silva has luxury products such as watches, pianos, fashion.

Providers / Manufactures:

  • More marketing is beneficial for all.

Supporting the Lux Provider community:

  • A catalog - or the presentation of what is available - can help support common marketing efforts, upmarketing, upselling, cross-selling.
  • A ‘State-of-the-Nation’ Report can be benficial for involved parties (incl. politics) in detecting what needs to be done, improved, etc.

Silva services:

  • A dedicated Line - as a handle - supports cross-pollination activities with other Lines.
  • The focus on Luxury creates an awareness which can support the discovery or development of new luxury products or services.
  • It might be that the Federal States already have their own Luxury catalogs for their own areas. This Line can be used as a handle to pool them together for the Silva area.

5. Detailed description

5.1 Situation now

  • No area
  • No central catalog
  • Community for marketing?

5.2 Ideal situation in the future

  • Focused Silva°Lux
  • DB of providers, °Pages
  • Mapping
  • Communities
  • Si°Lux Marketing Days
  • Integration in Silva°Magic, Silva°Events
  • Membership services
  • Services for the rich i.e. Assistant/Conciege

6. User segments

Which users / user segments are directly affected?

Individuals - Silvaners

  • Knowledge of the °Lux catalog and services.

Agents / Resellers / Affiliates

  • That they know of °Lux and can place it in their portfolio


  • That luxury is here to experience

General Providers / Manufacturers

  • That they know of the °Lux service
  • That they can cross-sell and up-sell

Lux manufacturers and providers

  • Marketing channels
  • More turnovers
  • Brand placement

7. Core topics

  • Silva°Lux Line definition
  • SxLux services supporting the Line
  • Si°Lux °Face portfolio definition
  • Sponsors
  • Silva°Pages - Catalog of manufactures and providers
  • LuxDB - Collecting data, market survey
  • LuxMap - Mapping
  • State-of-Si°Lux-2021 - Status report
  • Si°Lux Days

8. Cross pollination

Which ValueLines are touched?

9. Operative targets

What has to be done, what services are needed?

TODO: See the core topics above and rewrite core topics and following text


  • Catalog of brands, manufactures and providers.
  • Partner network
  • More brand awareness.
  • Mapping
  • 3rd party brand assets repository for media activities


  • State-of-Lux report
  • What is missing
  • Catalog of new services

10. What’s the mehrwert

What is the prime value or advantages for the user segments?

For the individual / Silvaner:

  • More variety in products and services
  • Be proud - That the belong to a great area.

For the rich:

  • More reasons to visit or live in Silva

For the collective:

  • In the longterm better services
  • More opportunities

For Silva partners:

  • Brand placement
  • Improved ecosystem
  • Marketing channels
  • Networking
  • Community

For Silva:

  • Marketing handle
  • Spectrum of add-ons for new services
  • Makes Silva more attractive

For the Federal States:

  • Enhancement to existing services
  • Upmarketing of excellence
  • Marketing ploy to piggy back
  • Improved image on the market

For Germany:

  • Better cluster of excellence

For Europe:

  • TBD

11. Changeability

11.1 Speed

Personal viewpoint, 1 - 3, where 1 is high

Priority: 2

Human life in danger?: No

Low hanging fruit: No

11.2 Timeframe

  • Ideal start:
  • Ideal end:

11.3 Weight

Inertia - Amount of energy needed for change = 5 (Dingy/Easy) | 10 (Speed board) | 20 (Sailing) | 35 (Motor boat) | 70 (Holiday ship) | 100 (Tanker/very very long and effort)

Inertia: 50

No of orgs involved:

12. Notes

Sketches, planning notes, calculations, etc.

12.1 Name

The name stub ‘Lux’ is an abbreviation of Luxury, but it is also the unit of illuminance i.e. the brightness of an object. This is used here as a playful reference to the brightness of ‘luxury’ - that the brighter it is, the more ‘money’ it will atract, and vice versa.

13. Costs