
Special moments, events, places in Silva

By Ian Williams | 8 March, 2021

1. Outline

1.1 About

Silva°Magic is a collective name for all the magic that occurs in Silva such as events, places to see, to be, through the seasons, around the SilvaRing.

Background information incl. rationale for this line can be read below.

1.2 Facts


& Notables

1.3 Other references

Services for this line: SxMagic.


1.4 Posters

Wall-Poster: TBD

2. Sponsors

The following sponsors are supporting the services on this Line:

3. Crossings

Cross Lines:

4. Overview

TBD: More details, state of nation.

5. Heritage


6. Directory


7. Background

7.1 Name

The name stub ‘Magic’ is a play on the how Silva should appear to the visitor - and those wanting to be surprised and live in abundance.

7.2 Rationale

The rationale for the Line Silva°Magic are many:

  • Special things within Silva are a tourist attraction.
  • A catalog helps people to find them.
  • New things such as events, natural wonders need to be added to the catalog.
  • A catalog - or the presentation of what is available - can help support common marketing efforts, upmarketing, upselling, cross-selling.
  • A dedicated Line - as a handle - supports cross-pollination activities with other Lines.
  • A ‘State-of-the-Nation’ Report can be benficial for involved parties (incl. politics) in detecting what needs to be done, improved, etc.
  • The focus on Magic creates an awareness which can support the discovery or development of new enduser products or services.
  • It might be that the Federal States already have their own magic catalogs for their own areas. This Line can be used as a handle to pool them together for Silva.