Events Services

Events in Silva

Von Ian Williams | 28 February, 2021

1. Outline

1.1. About

The Silva Line ‘Events’ is focused on providing a catalog of events in the Silva area.

1.2. Source

Person name: Ian Williams

Organisation name:

Date in: 2021-03-11

1.3 Seconded

Person name:

Organisation name:


1.4 Status

Lifecycle: fragma

2. Sponsors

Sponsoring this Matta

3. Organisation

3.1 Tags


3.2 Up- and downlines

Upline mattas:

Downline mattas:

3.3 Taskas


3.4 References



3.5 Other docs

Associated documents

3.5 Working parties

Legal parent/lead:

4. Rationale

The reason - as points - behind this matta

  • Parts of organisation need access to a collated central pool of events for reports, for planning.
  • The Silva Dev Agency needs verified data to successfully support partners in their marketing efforts.
  • To provide efficient Silva°Bridge services to customers.
  • A catalog - or the presentation of what is available - can help support common marketing efforts, upmarketing, upselling, cross-selling.
  • 3rd-Parties can have access to the data
  • Silvaner can see what is happening.

5. Detailed description

5.1 Situation now

  • No central directory of events
  • No sync of events around the ring?
  • No special Silva events to profile across the globe

5.2 Ideal situation in the future

  • EventDB
  • Mapping to Silva°Pages.
  • Integration with 3rd party services
  • Sync of events around the ring
  • Creation of new events
  • New events for the world stage

6. User segments

Which users / user segments are directly affected?

  • Trade fairs
  • Event organisers

7. Core topics

  • DB events
  • DB organisers
  • Sync with federal states
  • USPs
  • Big plan - diverse sectors
  • Hot and cold overview

8. Cross pollination

Which ValueLines are touched?

Nearly all.

9. Operative targets

What has to be done, what services are needed?


  • Catalog of events, incl. feeds, APIs
  • Associated brands, partners.

10. What’s the mehrwert

What is the prime value or advantages for the user segments?

For the individual / EndUser

  • More events to choose from
  • More culture
  • One catalog

For the affluent / LuxUser

  • Higher class events

For Providers

  • Area is more attractive
  • New opportunities
  • More marketing possibilities

For the collective

  • More networking
  • More events to have fun
  • Richer ecosystem

For Silva

  • Commen catalog
  • Marketing handles
  • New services
  • Face: Special world class events
  • Face: Better place to live

For the Federal States

  • More taxes
  • More talent
  • More tourists
  • Marketing ploys to piggy back
  • Upmarketing of excellence


  • Better placement on the global stage


  • Making Europe more interesting for gigs

11. Changeability

11.1 Speed

Personal viewpoint, 1 - 3, where 1 is high


Human life in danger?: No

Low hanging fruit: No

11.2 Timeframe

  • Ideal start:
  • Ideal end:

11.3 Weight

Inertia - Amount of energy needed for change = 5 (Dingy/Easy) | 10 (Speed board) | 20 (Sailing) | 35 (Motor boat) | 70 (Holiday ship) | 100 (Tanker/very very long and effort)

Inertia: 100

No of orgs involved:

12. Notes

Sketches, planning notes, calculations, etc.

13. Costs