
By Ian Williams | 8 March, 2021

1. About

The ValuSector LUXURY: An economic sector focused on luxury goods and services for within and for export.

2. Creating Value

It creates value:

  • Jobs
  • Wealth
  • Well being for the end users - the people using it
  • and well being for the people producing the value in manufacturing, in services.

3. Influence

This ValuSector also has a knock-on-effect on other ValuSectors such as TECH, CAPITAL, FILM, FASHION, TOURISM in that it attracts talent and capital to the area.

The brighter the sector “shines” in the world outside, the more people and organisations are attracted to the area.

4. List of associated entries

The following entries reference this ValuSector.

Silva Face

Defining how Silva appears: Inside, outside, in Germany, Europe and the World.

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Lux Init

Initiating ValuLine Lux for luxury services and products within and from Silva.

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Marketing and integration services to attract new talent, ideas, services, capital, ventures.

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Events around the SilvaRing.

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Collating and marketing luxury services and products within and from Silva.

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Services for the ValuLine Silva°Lux.

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