Ed Services

Services for the education sector.

Von Ian Williams | 8 March, 2021

1. Outline

1.1. About

Create a portfolio of services integrating the education sector within Silva. Bridging industry & colleges, IT & schools, Alumni & Export, grass root projects & youth.

1.2. Source

Person name: Ian Williams

Organisation name:

Date in: 2021-03-11

1.3 Seconded

Person name:

Organisation name:


1.4 Status

Lifecycle: “fragma”

2. Sponsors

Sponsoring this Matta

3. Organisation

3.1 Tags


3.2 Up- and downlines

Upline mattas:

Downline mattas:

3.3 Taskas


3.4 References



3.5 Other docs

Associated documents

3.5 Working parties

Legal parent/lead:

4. Rationale

The reason - as points - behind this matta

SilvaFace - College

  • Whats being offered
  • Why Silva

SilvaFace - R&D

  • Why Silva
  • Catalog to integrate °Tech, °Wear closer into R&D

Getting grassroots updates / Info about the region

  • Integrate pupils into system / as IT projects.

Info packet about the region for schools

Better use of resources

  • One login
  • Shared courses


  • Catalog of top schools, colleges, R&D

5. Detailed description

5.1 Situation now

  • No central directory of courses
  • No central place to go to learn
  • Every institute has their own system

5.2 Ideal situation in the future

See mehrwert.

6. User segments

Which users / user segments are directly affected?

7. Core topics

School services:

  • Edu materials
  • iScouts onboarding

College services:

  • Marketing, Silva posters

Central services:

  • DB of services, contacts, etc
  • Agent and partner services

User services:

  • myCampus
  • myLab


  • With other SDA services - Silva°Pages, and programs
  • Higher Education, States

USP: Ring of excellence

8. Cross pollination

Which ValueLines are touched?

9. Operative targets

What has to be done, what services are needed?

10. What’s the mehrwert

What is the prime value or advantages for the user segments?

For the individual:

  • Improved overview of services

For the collective:

  • In the long term - boost of the edu sector,

For partners:

  • Brand placement
  • Better access to talent
  • Easier access to research facilities
  • CSR possibilities

For Silva:

  • Cohesive educational catalog
  • Network of Labs
  • Marketing handle

For the States:

  • Enhancement to existing services
  • Extra channel for marketing
  • Upmarketing of excellence
  • Marketing ploy to piggy back
  • Improved image on the market
  • More talent

11. Changeability

11.1 Speed

Personal viewpoint, 1 - 3, where 1 is high


Human life in danger?: No

Low hanging fruit: No

11.2 Timeframe

  • Ideal start:
  • Ideal end:

11.3 Weight

Inertia - Amount of energy needed for change = 5 (Dingy/Easy) | 10 (Speed board) | 20 (Sailing) | 35 (Motor boat) | 70 (Holiday ship) | 100 (Tanker/very very long and effort)

Inertia: 100

No of orgs involved:

12. Notes

Sketches, planning notes, calculations, etc.

Bees nest?

13. Costs