About Silicon Vales

…or simply - Silva

22 January, 2021

The Area

Silicon Vales, or simply the portmanteau ‘Silva’, is a metropolitan area in Europe, situated in Germany, at the heart of the worlds largest single market.

Around its perimeter is The Silva Ring - a ring of cities encompassing lakes, rivers and wooden vales, which have been the fountain of inspiration for artists, inventors, musicians, philosophers, entrepreneurs through the centuries.

The Ring is now the breeding ground for Europes largest Startup Scene, developing next generation solutions for mankind.


Silva is steeped in livable history - from christmas markets to glass modernism, from mines to industrial design. This colourful heritage is home to millions, who are fostering Silva’s unique ‘European’ values: The richness of diversity, of cultures, of being a team, social fairness.

It is also home to thousands of institutions and enterprises who are fostering change in the humanities, sciences, technologies, in industy and in society.


The Silva Ring, with its Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, offers a rich and vibrant ecosystem to work, learn, explore, to start a company, and to live a fulfilling family life.

Digital Heart of Europe

The nurturing of Silva is being facilitated by an intiative - enabling the cross pollination of ideas across boundaries, via networking, events, forums - so that Silva can grow as “The Digital Heart of Europe”.

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12 Faces

Silva’s rich ecosystem offers opportunities for business, life and living: Here are twelve of Silva’s faces.

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Geographical information about the Silicon Vales / Silva Area.

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