Bridge services to Europe

By Ian Williams | 2 March, 2021

1. About

The portfolio:

  • PORTA is a portfolio of services helping entrepreneurs and enterprises abroad to gain entry to the European market and to the eastern block via Silva.
  • To use Silva as a service hub - either in building custom services or connecting to or via partners.

The integration:

  • With other SDA services
  • Federal States marketing bureaus
  • Other agent and partnernetworks

The USP:

  • One port-of-call

The tagline (Examples):

  • Services à la carte.
  • Your bridge to the biggest single market: Europe
  • Your bridge to Europe and beyond…

2. Items


  • DB of services, contacts, etc
  • Promotional media

Central services:

  • Agent and partner services
  • WIKA integration

Partner services:

  • Partner Network care

User services:

  • myBridge

3. Value

For the individual:

  • Consolidated view
  • One point-of-call

For the collective:

  • In the long term - jobs, better infrastructure, more diversity to choose from, wealth.

For partners:

  • Brand placement
  • Centralised
  • Contracts, new partnerships

For Silva:

  • Central hub, multi-channel orientated
  • Silva specific expose
  • A seed for later AI services
  • Marketing handle
  • Integration with other services
  • It can be extended with time

For the Federal States:

  • Enhancement to existing services
  • Bundeling of services for export
  • Extra channel for marketing
  • Marketing ploy to piggy back