Creating Magic within Silva

By Ian Williams | 2 March, 2021

1. About

The portfolio:

  • The CHARMA portfolio consists of a list of services to create magical moments within Silva.


  • Discover - Roads, places, tours
  • Memories - The S°PASS
  • Experience - Area and Silva branded events

The integration:

  • Integrated with States marketing bureaus, event organisers, notable personalities.
  • Integration with 3rd parties within Silva
  • Cross integration with other SDA service portfolios.

The USP:

  • All things magical.

The tagline:

  • The Silva magic.

2. Items

Area events:

  • List of traditional events across the area.

Silva branded:

  • Economy focused events - Silva°Summit
  • Culture and tourism focused - Silva°Jazz, Silva°Classic, Silva°Danz, Silva°Flames
  • Silva°Stage - Fostering experimental and world class culture.

Central services:

  • Database of curated items
  • Hot and cold lists
  • Media assets
  • Product development
  • Event management
  • User surveys
  • Maps

Partner services:

  • Product development services
  • Marketing, sponsoring, tourism, upselling.

Enduser services:

  • Information
  • S°PASS - S10, S20, S50, S100, S200 Passport
  • Gift certificates
  • mySilva

3. Value

For the individual:

  • Fun things do to alone, with partner or family
  • More diversity
  • Central list of events in the Silva area.
  • More jobs

For the artist, more possibilites:

  • To be creative
  • To network
  • Brand fostering
  • Income

For the collective:

  • More diversity, things to do
  • Fostering cultural foundries
  • More tourism, with jobs, wealth
  • Things to be proud of

For partners:

  • Synchronisation of magic across partners
  • Brand placement channels
  • Actuality
  • Content for media
  • Product binding, loyality
  • More gigs possibilites

For Silva:

  • Synchronisation of events across the region
  • Cross-pollination with Silva industries, partners
  • More ‘in-the-news’
  • Creation of new events
  • More tourism
  • Increased marketing by the inhabitants themselves.
  • Branding of the area across the world

For the Federal States:

  • Central curated list of magic within Silva
  • Creation of new magic
  • Shared marketing
  • General upmarketing of the area
  • More tourism
  • More jobs, taxes
  • Branding of the area across the world

4. Rationale

  • Culture attracts tourists, talent, makes people happy
  • Fosting cross-pollination creates something new
  • Syncing events across the area creates new products, services, jobs
  • Putting Silva on the world stage is a boost for the region.