By Ian Williams | 22 January, 2021
A couple of reasons why we need Silva and what it is.
1. Simply - A name
It is a name for an area, for culture, for a community, a service ecosystem, a hub at the heart of Europe.
2. Simply - An economic area
Silva is an idea for a empowered economic area, being fed from the magnetism of Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, for culture, high-tech, innovation.
It is about creating an integrated ecosystem - bringing people, ideas, finance, ecology, the arts together to further cross pollination, to boost innovation, the sciences, technology, culture and society.
3. Simply - Marketing
It is a marketing concept - of placing one of Europes most powerful areas and strongest growing startup communities on the map in the same league as Silicon Valley.
With its easy to remember name it can be used around the world to market the area, to attract specialists and finance.
Silva has the chance to uniquely position itself as the place to live - for lifestyle, wellbeing, with its cultural foundry, its ecology core, and multifaceted tech diamond community.
4. Simply - A green future
It is a platform to grab the topic of the 2020’s ‘ecology’ and to place it at the core of a ‘people orientated’ economic area.
5. Simply - Heimat
It is answer to the needs to belong to something ‘great’.
To have a unique identity, to be home for thousands of ‘Europeans’ and other nationalities.
It is answer for the German ‘soul’ to be itself, i.e. be creative, innovate, work together, create something schön (nice), abundance.
It is a healing aid to help glue together the wounds left from re-unification.
Its a platform to create a networking layer, a layer of unity - bridging the 5 Federal States - the civic and civil organisations in the area - to faciliate services and change.
6. Simply - Europe
It is an idea for a concept - to be the proactive hub to others in Europe - creating a better Europe.
It is a platform for the European ‘soul’ to lead or keep up with the US, China, India, in specific areas.
It can be a political instrument to create a more ‘European’ orientated service area.
It is also about creating and living a ‘european ethos’ - of teamwork, fairness, of building grassroots social stability in the region and to position it for the Europe of tomorrow.
7. Simply - A vision
A vision helps to unite people in their actions, to build something better.
8. Simply - A foundry
Silva is a foundry for new ideas, new services, new products.
9. Simply - A framework
It is a ‘handle’ for the bundeling of resources. It can be developed as a framework for:
- Wealth development
- Culture development
- Knowledge & expertise development
- Local area development
- Grass roots social projects
10. Simply - It is already there
It bundles what is already there, uncovers what is hidden, lets new be created. From a systemic aspect it’s an organism that’s already growing. Like the other Silicon Areas around the globe it will be bigger than its cities.
11. Simply - For the long term
It is a framework to plan for the longterm - 20, 30, 50, 100 years. It represents a strategic asset of long term value.
12. Simply - Love
Love for the people, for the beauty of the area, for the culture, the competence, for the historical heritage, for what we have and what we can be.