Service Info

Information Services

Von Ian Williams | 28 February, 2021

1. Outline

1.1. About

The Silva service ‘Info’ is focused on providing a central instance for information about Silva, the area, the services, infrastructure and what’s going on.

1.2. Source

Person name: Ian Williams

Organisation name:

Date in: 2021-02-01

1.3 Seconded

Person name:

Organisation name:


1.4 Status

Lifecycle: fragma

2. Sponsors

Sponsoring this Matta

3. Organisation

3.1 Tags


3.2 Up- and downlines

Upline mattas:

Downline mattas:

3.3 Taskas


3.4 References



3.5 Other docs

Associated documents

3.5 Working parties

Legal parent/lead:

4. Rationale

The reason - as points - behind this matta

Internal planning:

  • Nearly all other Lines need access to consolidated data, mapping facilities, etc., for planning, init and boost programs.


  • Data access to partners can be coordinated centrally.
  • Be able to supply data to partners for new services

5. Detailed description

5.1 Situation now

  • No system, no info about the Silva area.

5.2 Ideal situation in the future

  • Central DB with economic-geographical info
  • Linked to °Pages
  • Layed views: Airports, lakes, airtaxis, empty houses
  • Line views: Lux, Campus, Magic, MagicRoads, community spread.
  • ValuSector views: Distribution, hotspots
  • Data being fed from iScouts, IHK, Federal States.
  • Be able to see growth
  • Run views for startups, sectors,
  • Embed views in website for finding things (°Magic)
  • Hot and cold maps

6. User segments

Which users / user segments are directly affected?


  • Service: Find the °Magic
  • Service: S°Pass


  • For decision making: Where to do my startup, build a hotel


  • Where should I open an office


  • Use in school classes - for IT, projects, iScouts

Planning offices / Federal States

  • Extension to their tools


  • Risiko analysis

Silva internal

  • The foundation for planning, doing reports, new ventures

7. Core topics

  • Architecture
  • Area definition
  • Data definition
  • Tools
  • APIs
  • Feeds
  • Concensus with info providers
  • Build plan
  • Operations
  • Financing

8. Cross pollination

Which ValueLines are touched?


9. Operative targets

What has to be done, what services are needed?

  • See core topics above

10. What’s the mehrwert

What is the prime value or advantages for the user segments?

For the individual:

  • Being able to look up things in the SilvaRing (i.e. °Magic)

For the collective:

  • Consolidated info in one place.

For Silva partners:

  • Interface to info about the region for services, for advertising,for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) possibilities

For schools:

  • A tool to use in classes, for projects. for iScouts.

For Silva:

  • The foundation for planning
  • Data for marketing, for the °Faces

For the Federal States:

  • Enhancement to existing services
  • Improved school system
  • Knock on effect - for a better region, more taxes, well being.

For Germany:

  • For the Government - A tool for regional planning
  • Long term - a better region

For Europe:

  • TBD

11. Changeability

11.1 Speed

Personal viewpoint, 1 - 3, where 1 is high

Priority: 2

Human life in danger?: No

Low hanging fruit: No

11.2 Timeframe

  • Ideal start:
  • Ideal end:

11.3 Weight

Inertia - Amount of energy needed for change = 5 (Dingy/Easy) | 10 (Speed board) | 20 (Sailing) | 35 (Motor boat) | 70 (Holiday ship) | 100 (Tanker/very very long and effort)

Inertia: 50

No of orgs involved:

12. Notes

Sketches, planning notes, calculations, etc.

The name ‘Info’ is a generic name for all information and data types.

13. Costs