Basic Services structure

By Ian Williams | 14 March, 2021

What’s been happening

Over the last few weeks we have been working on what Silva is: ‘Is it just an idea to be floated?’, ‘What is it at its core?, ‘What are we supposed to do with it?’, and ‘How do we go about it?’.

Is is now starting to grow - to get a basic profile - in what it is, what faces it has.


The project status: Idea, taking form towards a concept.

What’s new

From top down:

  • Its value sectors - ValuSectors.
  • The main Lines and structure around them are getting form - Lines.
  • Its profile as a baseline for marketing externally - Faces
  • Some thoughts about a possible service structure - Service Porfolios
  • Defining a service framework for the lines - Services.
  • A framework for getting ideas into directives - What Mattas.
  • Improving the website structure